Cantax FormMaster 2021.3

Options - Tax Research

This panel allows you to modify options related to tax reference sources available through a tax research.

IntelliConnect options

Log on automatically

Saves the user ID and password required to establish the connection to IntelliConnect® automatically.

User ID

Allows you to enter the user ID required to connect to IntelliConnect and view the publications to which you are subscribed.

The user ID corresponds to the e-mail address provided when you registered for IntelliConnect.


Allows you to enter the password required to connect to IntelliConnect.

Forgot password?

Allows you to obtain your password by e-mail. Your user ID is required to obtain your password.

Note: If a user ID and a password are entered in this panel and one or more outgoing IP addresses of your firm have been whitelisted to log in to IntelliConnect, the credentials will be used by default.